Sunday, February 19, 2012

"The Pen's In My Hand, Ending Unplanned"

I've been thinking lately (ok, so for the past 30 seconds that I've been on here) about the background I chose when I first started this blog: blank notebook paper. At the time, I thought it was fitting because I was treating this blog like an online journal, which it still basically is. I write whatever comes into my head, and I don't particularly care if it shows off my writing prowess (if I have any); I'm just focusing on being honest with myself and keeping track of where I am in my life right now.

On the other hand, a blank piece of paper may sum up my current state better than I'd like. A blank paper just sits there, staring at you, daring you to take a pen and write on it. That pen won't be erased like a pencil will, so you had better be sure of what you choose.

I'm having an English Class moment: pen is to paper as choices are to life.

Or something like that.

Basically, right now I'm not so sure what direction I want to take with my life. In high school, I was one of the few who knew what I was going to study by the time I was a sophomore, but now... I'm a bit lost and my life is staring at me like that piece of paper. It's empty, blank, ready to be written on.

If only I knew what to write.

1 comment:

  1. Just know that when it comes to

    You are most definitely not alone in the way you feel.
