Sunday, May 20, 2012

"What Gets Left Over"

I've always been a big lover of irony in all its forms: verbal, situational, dramatic. That could be largely because I'm also a big lover of sarcasm. It's my first language, really. So, when I'm watching one of my favorite shows, you can bet that I will find all sorts of irony in it.

Especially if said show happens to have character relationships that are the TV equivalent of my real relationships.

Currently, the show I'm watching has the greatest sense of situational irony in my life. Two best friends are about to be separated bcause they're moving away from each other, and one makes a point of saying that their relationship is not the same as it was--her friend should be taking second place to her husband in some aspects. Skip ahead to the next episode: the other friend, in a moment of extreme stress, says something to the effect of her still being there for her friend, even if her friend isn't there for her.

The actual lines that the two characters say are what makes the whole thing so terribly ironic, but I just don't feel like saying them.

Suffice it to say, I love irony, but right now it sucks.

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